Emerson Gardening Services
Only Offered on Vashon Island, WA
Specializing in the needs of Vashon Island homeowners who care deeply about their gardens, and those who are just learning about gardening.
Video on the Importance of Native Plants

Every 30 seconds in the United States, a football field-sized chunk of natural area disappears due to development, according to research from the Center for American Progress. Most of the natural areas lost in the past two decades were on privately-owned land, which accounts for about 60% of all land in the country. We need to do everything we can to counter this loss of natural habitat. If we don't, we will lose our native birds and mammals - faster than any of us can even imagine.
This video addresses the importance of native plants in our landscapes.
The video was funded by the King County Wastewater Treatment Division
Partner: Vashon Nature Center
The content herein does not constitute an endorsement by King County government, its employees, or its elected and appointed officials.
Some of my services....

Would you like personalized training in how to prune your shrubs and trees? Including which tools to buy, and where to get them?
Are your shrubs hanging over your walkway, or blocking your views out your windows, and you are not sure how to prune them so they will look good?
Have your shrubs and small trees gotten too tall or big for their allotted space, and are crowding out other plants?
Have things just gotten "out of control", but you know you can't just take a hedge trimmer to them all, and you want them to look natural after they have been pruned?
Do you want to reduce the size of your lawn, and would like some ideas on different options to consider?
Are you interested in growing your own food or medicine, and having it beautiful as well as functional?
Do you want to grow more native plants, but don't know quite where to start?
Do you have a steep slope that needs some help? Plants can hold slopes nicely, without expensive retaining walls.
Are you thinking of selling your home, and need the landscape looking its best?
These, and many more projects I can help you with. Give me a call: 206-567-5492, or send an e-mail: DianeEmerson@Yahoo.com
Climate Change

Special Offer: Half Price off my services for customers who do not use fossil fuel in their homes, properties, or vehicles.
Licensed and Insured. Master Pruner Certified.
Permaculture Design Certificate
Member, International Society of Arboriculture
Member, Vashon Chamber of Commerce
Member, Vashon Island Growers Association
Member, Vashon-Maury Island Fruit Club
Member, Vashon-Maury Island Garden Club
Manager, Garden Green
Member, Washington Native Plant Society
Member, Plant Amnesty
Member, Aesthetic Pruners Association